Supply Chain Executive Training By Global Supply Chain Group
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There is a reason why the top end of the town is far ahead of the rest of the business world. Why Amazon grew 2144% in the same timeframe in which the rest of the retail world combined,  shrank by more than 10%.

Anyone can build a website, but few can build a large business out of a website.

This report is not about building large businesses online.

It is about how large business corporations stand hampered by their traditional power structures and two other invisble but enormous blockers that do not allow them to compete on a level playing field.

More than that, it outlines the opportunities amidst the volatile landscape, and the risk-free way to realise these opportunities.

A Fiduciary Board Report – The Future Of Business In The Age Of B2B Networks

Those who are in a fiduciary position within a company must demonstrate adequate governance at every link of the supply chain. What are the most comprehensive means of achieving that end?

Corporate Governance, Without Supply Chain Governance, Is Just An Eyewash

The current corporate governance protocols were designed in a simpler era when supply chains were not this complex, and the business environment was not this volatile and uncertain. Those who are responsible for ensuring the success of business transformations are still coming to grips with the supply chain dynamics generated by all the technological and socio-cultural upheavals.

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A Report For The Boards of Directors, and Others Close to the Boards of Directors

This report, primarily aimed at the Boards of Directors, can also be utilised by direct reports to the boards to help them ensure that business transformations do not get mired in impractical technological forays that yield little concrete positive bottom-line results.

Many Business Fundamentals Will Always Remain the Same; Other Business Fundamentals Have Now Become Outdated

It focuses on four key business imperatives of today that are proven success drivers of business in the 21st century, especially in the pandemic driven economic environment. Drive your business transformations with these four imperatives underlying your strategic thrust and you are likely to set up the business for success. Failing to do so, would prove to be disastrous sooner, or later.

Digital Competitors Are Fast Gaining Grounds

You should buy this report only if you are part of the core business transformation team, and/or close to the board of directors. This 72-page report focuses on the highest level key questions, and guidelines, and does not get mired in the details of technologies and tactics. Do not expect excruciating details, or a step by step instruction manual to business transformations.

Once you become aware of the three big differences between a typical traditional corporation, and a typical digital age winning corporation, you will never think along the same lines again. You guiding principals for business transformations will evolve. Your perspective on the industrial age power structures within a traditional organisation will undergo a massive evolution. You will see the traditional industrial age practices and knowledge base in a new light, and discover how they hinder business transformations for a future age.

“Groupthink” at Top is Perilous

If invisible barriers and chains are holding your business transformations, and you want to cut through the morass – you will need to be able to see these barriers in the first instance. When everybody else in your company is thinking along exactly the same lines, you are unlikely to see these invisible barriers and chains.

When business transformations go swimmingly well, it is not a coincidence. It is a result of having the right perspective towards the changing business landscape and fitting in your business transformation with that landscape.

With over 400 projects over the last 20 years in Global Supply Chain Group, we have seen countless situations in corporations who were stuck in their business transformations journey due to an out-of-date perspective at the top. Every time we started one of these projects, adjustment of the perspective at the top was one of the key contributory factors that eventually led to success in releasing the corporation from its chains.

If you are expecting an academic or a research paper this report is not for you. This is a fresh look at decade long trends, the opportunities they present at the moment, and how to open your eyes to those opportunities amidst the clutter of bad news in the popular press. Going beyond that, the report looks at the best way to take advantage of the opportunity.

Unchain Your Business’ Profits

There is a reason why the top end of the town is far ahead of the rest of the business world. Why Amazon grew 2144% in the same timeframe in which the rest of the retail world combined,  shrank by more than 10%. Anyone can build a website, but few can build a large scale business out of a website.

The underlying principles are discussed in this report. There is no reason why you cannot use exactly the same principles for any business success.

For even more information on this report – click here

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